6 actions to develop greater self trust

When you trust yourself you back your decisions and you feel more confident that what you want in life will come to fruition. You have faith that who you are is enough. The more you exercise self trust the greater your confidence grows, so developing trust happens when you choose daily actions that build belief that you’ve always got your own back. Use the actions below to help you.

Take action & pay attention to feedback
Focus less on knowing whether you’ll succeed or not and instead focus on getting feedback from the action you take. What have you learnt about yourself? What helps you commit to what you say you’ll do and what gets in the way? What beliefs pop up when you are trying something new and how kind would you describe yourself to be in this process? Set your mind on learning and progress not perfection, be more compassionate and gear your mind to a new belief that ‘I can do this’ or ‘I can get through when I’m unsure how to do this.’

Listen to your heart & your gut
Take some time out to develop a connection to your heart. How do you truly feel? What gut feelings do you have about a situation, a person, something you are trying to achieve? If you take time to listen to your heart and gut you’ll engage your intuition which has a divine desire to look after you. If you keep seeking guidance without taking action, you’ll quieten your intuition and it will be harder to develop self trust. If you are finding yourself saying ‘I don’t have time to connect to my heart and gut’ then you should really reflect: is my desire to avoid this (whatever that may be) a sign that I’m not acting from intuition anyway?

Have faith
Many people run from faith because they fear religion- they are two different things. Religion encourages you to live by set rules where faith recognises that love, peace and acceptance is far greater than humanistic rules. You are going to need to believe in the outcomes you want, put your faith out there, post it up around your house, talk about it, make it a new wallpaper on your phone, get an accountability partner (you can do this in our Facebook Group My Happiest Self). Make a list of times you believed things would work out for you and they did. This will help to reinforce faith in yourself.

Practice surrendering. This means stepping away from wanting to control, allowing yourself to be and see what the universe has in store for you. This can be really difficult for high performers because we often find ourselves in masculine energy wanting to make things happen. However controlling all the outcomes removes the possibility of what could happen. Start practicing the art of surrender by refusing to control something that is out of your control. This might look like. not having a backup plan, not developing the 14 ways something could go in your head and preparing for each possible response to each of them. This could mean just letting someone be. For example, if your friend, colleague or spouse doesn’t do something, like turn up or reach out just leave it be, don’t comment, don’t express desire for their effort let them be and let you do something for yourself. Give yourself some space from being responsible for everything especially those things you cannot control. It may also help to think about times you controlled or forced a solution you wanted and how that situation, relationship or experience turned out far worse than you desired. This will remind you that control is predictable, safe but not always empowering.

Be honest with yourself
Be honest about who you are and where you are at in this stage of your life. Attempting to be something you are not will only make self trust more difficult. This means building awareness about whether you are living for you or for someone else’s opinion of you and who or what you ‘should’ be doing. If you are not at a stage you’d like to be in your life ask yourself…why? What actions or lack of actions brought me here? Self trust is not an airy fairy non-tangible its directly connected to who you are and what you do.

Develop your authenticity always
Continually tap into your authentic self- who are you, what makes you happy, what do you struggle with and how exceptional are you at asking for help? When do you work best? How many times and in what ways have you trusted yourself before? How have you let yourself down and use the experience as a way to become better? Develop your self awareness to accept yourself more and more each day so you can be kind to yourself while building self trust.

When you can trust yourself you don’t allow yourself to fall. Have your own back, use these actions to trust yourself more each day.